Two Options

Medicare has 2 Options after enrolling in Original Medicare Part A and Part B. Both option 1 and option 2 are offered by private insurance companies.

Option 1 is a Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plan with an option to add a stand-alone Prescription Drug Plan (PDP). Medicare Supplements (Medigap) plans help pay for some out-of-pocket costs not paid by Original Medicare. Supplements are designed to “supplement” whatever Original Medicare Parts A & B do not cover, the supplement will cover. Medicare Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) helps pay for prescription drugs.

Option 2 is a Medicare Advantage Plan with a Prescription Drug plan (PDP) plan built into it. Medicare Advantage plan (Part C) combines Original Medicare Part A & B coverage in one plan and they usually include prescription drug coverage (Part D). Medicare Advantage plans may offer additional benefits like vision, hearing, dental, and fitness coverage.

Click here to contact our office to learn more about your options.