​About Bill Hartman

On June 10, 2024, Bill Hartman celebrated his 40th anniversary as an Independent Health & Life Insurance Agent. Over the past 40 years, Bill has received many awards and recognitions honoring him for being a leader in the insurance industry and for his top sales performances. We are so proud of Bill and want to thank him for his continuous give-back spirit that he pours into everyone he meets.

When Bill was only 12 years old, his father passed away. This loss created hardships for Bill and his family growing up. This led to Bill working at a local bowling alley and following in his father’s footsteps in working at Fort Wayne’s Famous Coney Island Wiener Stand. He is the third oldest out of five siblings, and quickly found himself dropping out of high school when he turned 16. In September 1982, Bill decided to try selling life insurance part-time while continuing to sell hotdogs. From September 1982 through June 1984, Bill sold a whopping 4 policies. This included a policy that his mom bought just to shut him up! 😊

After a few years of working full-time selling hot dogs and part-time selling life insurance, Bill married his wife, Melisa, in a lovely ceremony with all their friends and family gathered to celebrate with them at their church. In March 1984, Bill and Melisa welcomed their first child, Cortney. Soon after Cortney’s birth, Melisa lost her job, due to closure of the Maloley’s Grocery Store. Bill began to feel the pressure and responsibility of being a provider for his family, and since he was a dad for the first time, this sparked his reason or what he calls his “WHY.”  Cortney became the inspiration Bill needed to start a career, and so his calling to serve began.

A friend, David Moore, decided to recruit Bill into selling Medicare Supplement policies as a full-time agent for Globe Life Insurance. So, on June 10, 1984, Bill received his last paycheck from Fort Wayne’s Famous Coney Island Wiener Stand and started his career as a full-time Independent Health & Life Insurance Agent. David encouraged Bill to jump in full time, and then 1 week later David quit Globe Life Insurance and, ironically, a while later started selling hot dogs out of a food truck as a small business start-up.

In October 1993, Bill received his GED, and since then he has accumulated thousands of hours in continuing education courses to maintain his health & life insurance status. Over the past 40 years, Bill has achieved a top producer title. He is currently licensed with 7 Medicare Advantage organizations that offer over 50 products in Fort Wayne and the surrounding areas. He is also licensed in 15 states and has clients spread across the country. Bill was one of the founding members of the local chapter of the National Association of Benefits and Insurance Professionals (NABIP), formerly known as NAHU, in 1999. He has served in various positions on the local chapter’s board and at the State, Regional, and National Board levels. He is also a lifetime Leading Producer’s Round Table (LPRT) member. To say that Bill loves what he does is an understatement. Bill has built his life around serving others and plans to continue doing so for as long as his passion and his mind will allow. His daughter, Brietta, teases him that when his mind goes, she will simply put a blue vest on him and make him the door greeter!

Over the last 40 years Bill has grown his business at Hartman Insurance Services. He has recruited and trained agents, including his daughter Brietta and his niece Jodie, and a support staff dedicated to serving our community. If you are interested in meeting with any of our qualified agents, please call our office at 260-483-2305 or click here. We love our clients and are very thankful for every referral and 5-star review that we receive. Thank you for trusting us with your health and life insurance needs!