I have always recommended that people do their due diligence and educate themselves about their insurance.   If you go on the internet, please be careful!  Many websites are mere landing pages to collect names, email addresses and phone numbers. Once you provide this information, you are giving them permission to contact you. The law prohibits an agent to make any unsolicited contact.  That means phone calls or knocking on your door are actually illegal. Yet there are some agents that still do it!  

The sad part is the law does not apply to Medicare Supplements only to Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug plans.   It is because of this loop hole that I have actually met people that purchased a Medicare Supplement over the phone but have never even heard of Medicare Part D.   Once they discovered that they did not have this coverage, they ended up paying a life long penalty when they eventually purchased Part D.  

Question: Did this agent really have the best interest of the client in mind or was the person merely looking to make a commission?

Having a personal agent that you can communicate with when necessary can make all the difference in the world.   I have been known to take calls pretty much all hours of the day and even while on vacation. I have always taken the approach that if you are calling, it must be important. Please remember the value of your agent!  

-Bill Hartman