Assisted Living or Nursing Home

Assisted Living or Nursing Home

Assisted Living or Nursing Home? As we approach certain phases in our lives it is important to understand how our health insurance plan benefits work. Over the years we have had many clients who have come across the need for skilled nursing care and/or assisted...
Physicians Mutual Dental Insurance

Physicians Mutual Dental Insurance

Physicians Mutual Insurance has three dental options to choose from: Economy Plus, Standard Plus, and Preferred Plus. These plans help cover over 350 dental procedures. There’s no deductible to meet before they pay benefits. You can’t be turned down. You...
You Still Have Time

You Still Have Time

You still have time! The last day to sign up or make any changes to your current ACA plan ends this Sunday, Aug. 15th. If you have any friends or family members that do not currently carry coverage, now is the time to fix that. Getting signed up can take as little as...
Turning 65? Now What?

Turning 65? Now What?

Turning 65? Now What? As you approach turning 65 you will start receiving mailers/solicitation in your mailbox almost daily with information about Medicare and the various options you can choose. This process can be very overwhelming, and you might feel like you do...