
World Prematurity Day is November 17, 2023. Premature birth is the leading cause of death in children under the age of five worldwide.

In January 2009, I was pregnant with my son Aiden, my water broke when I was 23 weeks. I had been on bedrest the entire pregnancy because I had 2 miscarriages prior to this pregnancy. I was thankfully, already an inpatient in the hospital when my water broke but it was still scary and very uncertain as to if my son would survive. I remained in labor for 1 week before I delivered him. The Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU) doctor and nurses were in the delivery room ready to assess my son’s condition. I was told by the NICU doctor that if my son needed surgery he might not survive because he was too small to operate on.

I remember asking if he was breathing and praying that he didn’t need any surgeries. Aiden weighed only 1lb 6oz at birth. The NICU team took Aiden to the NICU wing of the hospital to hook him up to a breathing machine and start an IV so they could administer fluids and medications. That evening after some rest I was wheeled up to Aiden’s NICU room 410 to see him. He was very small and seemed to be doing well.

Aiden stayed in the hospital for 4 months until his original due date. He had some touch and go moments while there and one of his primary nurses treated an infection Aiden had contracted before it became fatal.  He had to come home with an oxygen tank in May 2009, and we had to have him evaluated for early childhood intervention.  Aiden, thankfully, did not have to have any surgeries while in the NICU. We thank God for this miracle that He gave us and are forever grateful to the team of doctors and nurses who took excellent care of our son while in the NICU.

How We Can Help

Early detection and early interventions are key to any positive outcome for premature babies. Hartman Insurance Services wants to empower you to make an informed decision regarding your health and life insurance needs. Understanding how your insurance works will help you navigate situations like this with confidence knowing that you or your dependent is covered. Having an agent help you decipher medical bills as they come in after a traumatic event can give you peace of mind. We are here to help you. Contact us to learn more.

If you would like to learn more about World Prematurity Day and organizations that support spreading awareness about this cause click here. You can wear purple to show your support on November 17th and share your baby photo on social using #WorldPrematurityDay.

Jodie Godfrey
Licensed Agent
Hartman Insurance Services